The most amazing things happen to our bodies as our babies grow.

The feeling of movements which starts anywhere from 18 weeks to 25 weeks, and the incredible growth of the baby. Sometimes being pregnant can be scary. The feelings and sensations are unfamiliar as well as sharing your body with another person can be extremely overwhelming. There is all this hunger, fatigue, moodiness, and, often times, sickness. But what is it that makes the pregnancy easier? How do most women get through the ups and downs of pregnancy? While there are lists of answers, including Yoga, healthy diets and support groups, one of the most common answers are simply being able to see their baby grow through ultrasounds.
During the pregnancy, your doctor will perform minimal ultrasounds to check on baby. These are typically done with one in the first trimester, an anatomy scan at approximately 20 weeks and after that, only on an as needed basis depending on issues. As technology has grown, getting a specialty ultrasound just because you want to see baby, is now more available then ever. At Angelic Baby 3-D Ultrasound, we offer so many packages to see your little bundle of joy. Some of our packages include print outs, gender reveals, 3D and 4D ultrasounds, free gifts and CD and DVD’s of the session. We truly want to make your pregnancy more bearable by showing you how special your little baby is and allow you the chance to see your babies adorable face.
Ultrasounds are non-invasive and there is no verifiable risks of radiation positioning. Scheduling a few extra ultrasounds just for you to see your precious baby comes at no risk to you or baby.
According to Web MD:
A prenatal ultrasound test uses high-frequency sound waves, inaudible to the human ear, that are transmitted through the abdomen via a device called a transducer to look at the inside of the abdomen. With prenatal ultrasound, the echoes are recorded and transformed into video or photographic images of your baby.
Studies have shown ultrasound is not hazardous. There are no harmful side effects to you or your baby. In addition, ultrasound does not use radiation, as X-ray tests do.
Take the time to call our specialists at Angelic Baby 3-D Ultrasound to ask your questions and schedule your appointment today. Call 772-940-8298 and let us help you see your beautiful baby today!
- Prenatal Ultrasound Information – Web MD
- Are Ultrasounds Scans Safe – Baby Centre
- 9 Months In The Womb: A Remarkable Look At Fetal Development Through Ultrasound By PregnancyChat.com – A beautiful ultrasound video